Tuesday 9 February 2010

NECW: Episode 3

Opening tag was between Rican Havoc - Ryan Bisbal and Don Vega - the Russian gimmicked he Red Devil Fight Team. Rican Havoc is a fun name, the sort of thing that if I came up with I would down tools and call it a good day. This opened with some decent matwork. The first couple of exchanges between Bisbal and Chekov were quite intense battles over position, before it settled into more simple headlock stuff. The blind tag leading to the transition to the heat section was clumsy, but ended with the highlight of the match - an insane over the top rope bump by Bisbal, with his legs crashing into the guardrail. The end felt like the Letts Notes version of the southern tag formula, with a couple of minutes working on the leg, a hot tag and a finish. It needed a bit more time, and it seemed like they wasted a pretty heroic bump. Bisbal seems more than decent, his selling couldn't be faulted here, his mat work is solid and he's not adverse to an impressive bump. Not sure Vega is up to much, however, as his hot tag was pretty lacklustre.

The main event was between TJ Richter and the Blue Meanie. Total comedy match, as you would expect. Richter is entertaining as the overly serious guy constantly getting his humiliated - they run almost every possible variation of sidekick interference backfiring on heel. The interactions between the midget and Richter are enough to keep this enjoyable, as is Richter overselling for Meanie's comedy offence in tried and tested routines (the classic eye poke, cover eyes, nipple poke, arms jolt away in surprise, another eye poke). I'd happily watch Richter again.

Overall, not a bad episode at all, both matches, ignoring the Scott Levesque squash, doing essentially what they set out to achieve. Shall continue to stick with it.

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